As a woman and Democrat from a small town in Southern Ohio, I believe it's crucial that we vote yes on Issue 1 this November so that everyone’s voice is heard. Voting for Issue 1 isn't just about making a statement—it's about creating lasting change in Ohio when it comes to ending gerrymandering and ensuring our voices are heard fairly in every election.
Issue 1, officially titled the Citizens Not Politicians amendment, is a proposed change to the Ohio Constitution. It aims to reform the way our state's legislative districts are drawn. Right now, this process is in the hands of politicians. That’s a big part of why Ohio’s districts have been gerrymandered to favor one political party over the other, leaving many of us feeling powerless.
Under the current system, districts are drawn in a way that benefits those in power, rather than fairly representing all Ohioans. This leads to lopsided elections where one party wins an overwhelming number of seats, even if they don’t get the majority of votes statewide. The result? A lack of real representation for many of us in Southern Ohio.
If Issue 1 passes, it would replace the current Ohio Redistricting Commission with a 15-member citizen commission. This new commission would consist of five independents, five Democrats, and five Republicans—none of whom could be politicians, lobbyists, or consultants. That’s the key. We’re putting the power back into the hands of regular Ohioans.
This citizen-led group would be responsible for drawing fairer legislative districts. They would have to follow strict guidelines to ensure districts reflect the actual statewide vote. For example, if one party consistently wins about 60% of the vote statewide, that party should only expect to win about 60% of the seats—not more, not less. That’s fairness in action.
Living in Southern Ohio, in Scioto County, I’ve seen firsthand how unfair districting can make people feel like their votes don’t count. Gerrymandering has created districts that split up our communities, leaving many of us underrepresented. It impacts policies that matter to us, like funding for schools, healthcare access, infrastructure, LGBTQIA+ equality, and even women’s reproductive rights.
We all deserve to have our voices heard, regardless of whether we live in a blue, red, or purple district. Issue 1 would make sure that districts are drawn based on population and community needs, rather than partisan interests. It’s a step toward ensuring that our elections are fair and that our communities are kept intact.
There has been some controversy over how Issue 1 is worded on the ballot. Some opponents argue that the language is misleading or confusing, but this is a distraction from the real issue at hand. The truth is, those in power benefit from keeping things the way they are. Don’t let the confusion deter you from voting for something that will benefit all Ohioans in the long run.
Voting yes on Issue 1 is a vote for fairness. It’s a vote to take power away from politicians who have used gerrymandering to their advantage and give it back to the people. It’s a vote for communities like ours in Southern Ohio to be represented fairly in Columbus and Washington, D.C.
We’ve seen the effects of gerrymandering and the political gridlock it creates. Voting yes on Issue 1 will ensure that our elected officials are held accountable and that our voices are heard. This November, let’s take this important step toward a more fair and just Ohio. Every vote matters, especially in this fight for fair representation.
Let’s come together and vote YES on Issue 1 to protect the future of our democracy here in Southern Ohio and across the state.