As I meet Democratic leaders, activists and engaged citizens throughout the state, I must say, there is most certainly something in the air. I am sensing a renewed fervency and urgency to our efforts of making Ohio politics work for its citizens again.

I enjoyed an opportunity to see this on display this past Saturday. The Rural Caucus of ODP, to which I am a special advisor, had an event in Yellow Springs. We had a few breakout sessions with topics like youth engagement, state public banking and Democrats 101.
We heard from candidates, swapped stories of successes and failures
and enjoyed a couple of comedians to round out the day. It was well attended and we got very positive feedback. This will be a continuing tour of our caucus.
Lest you deride my optimism by pointing out that I was in Yellow Springs, one of the few left-leaning rural enclaves, the people that showed up traveled from counties throughout the state that are in similar electoral situations.
It is my genuine belief that the political winds are shifting. It is our job to make sure that we are ready to fly when that happens. Let us continue the good work!