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January 23, 2020


We, the members of the Scioto County Democratic Party, in order to organize and perpetuate representative, effective, and responsible party organization at all levels in Scioto County, affiliate with and advance the interest of the Democratic Party both state and nationally, sustain and advance the principles of democracy, and uphold human and civil rights and constitutional government, do establish this Constitution and Bylaws.

ARTICLE I: Name, Membership, and Eligibility for Office

Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Scioto County Democratic Party.

Section 2. Membership in this party shall be open to all residents of Scioto County who support the Constitution of the United States of America, the Constitution of the State of Ohio, and the Constitution, By-Laws and principles of the Scioto County Democratic Party. No person may be a member or may vote on any motion, resolution, nomination, or election at any caucus, convention, meeting or conference of the Scioto County Democratic Party who does not meet the aforesaid qualifications or who is a member of any other political party at that time.

Section 3. Any person who meets the membership requirements of Article One, Section 2, is eligible for election to party office, except as hereafter limited. There shall be no minimum age requirement for party office save where prescribed by law.

Section 4. In the event that any person's qualifications as a member of the Scioto County Democratic Party or eligibility for party office must be determined, the same challenge procedure shall be followed to determine his or her qualifications as provided by the election laws of the State of Ohio.

ARTICLE II: Constitutions and Laws

Section 1. Nothing herein shall conflict with the Constitution of the United States of America, the laws of the United States of America, the Constitution and Laws of the State of Ohio, and the Constitution and Bylaws of the Ohio Democratic Party. Any matter which conflicts with the aforesaid or any portion thereof shall be of no force and effect. All constitutional provision and laws of the United States of America and the State of Ohio are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part hereof. Each clause of this Constitution and Bylaws shall be considered separately and the illegality or unenforceability of any one clause shall not affect any other clause.

Section 2. This Constitution shall remain in force unless revoked by the Ohio Democratic Party or the State of Ohio or by a vote to dissolve by 60% of the members of the Scioto County Democratic Party Central Committee at a meeting called for that purpose.

ARTICLE III: Central Committee and Executive Committee

Section 1. The controlling and governing committee of the Scioto County Democratic Party shall be the Central Committee consisting of duly elected members, or appointed members as provided hereunder and in accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio. The Central Committee shall conduct all the business of the Scioto County Democratic Party as provided hereunder and by the laws of the State of Ohio, including the designation of persons to serve on the Scioto County Board of Elections and the employees thereof. The Scioto County Executive Committee shall report and recommend to the Secretary of State of Ohio, for a position on the Scioto County Board of Elections, the person so chosen, nominated, and recommended by the Scioto County Central Committee, within the time frame provided by the Ohio Revised Code. The Scioto County Executive Committee may also conduct all other business of the Scioto County Democratic Party if the Central Committee does not meet the quorum requirements thereof, and if the Executive Committee does have a quorum.

Section 2. The members-elect of the party's Central Committee shall meet not earlier than six nor later than fifteen days following their certification of their election according to the laws of the State of Ohio at a suitable place and time in Scioto County, Ohio, to be designated by the retiring Chairperson of the Committee. Notice of such meeting, giving the place and time, shall be sent to each member-elect by the retiring secretary of the Committee by mail or electronic mail if the member-elect opts in to receipt of the notice by these means, and a copy of the notice shall be posted in the Scioto County Board of Elections at least five days prior to any such meeting. If the retiring secretary does not issue the call within the time required by law, any five members-elect may do so. The meeting shall be called to order by the retiring chairperson or secretary or if such officer is absent, then by a member of the Committee designated by the Ohio Democratic Party. The Committee shall proceed to organize by election of a chairperson, treasurer, secretary, and other such officers as the committee may desire.

Section 3. Any vacancy which may occur on the Central Committee shall be filled by a majority vote in favor of appointment by the Central Committee members present. The Central Committee will consider the recommendation of the retiring committeeman from the township or ward where such vacancy occurred. In the case of a vacancy in the office of the Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, or Vice-Chairperson, the Central Committee will nominate and elect one of its members by a majority vote of the Central Committee members present, or if no quorum, the Executive Committee will nominate and elect one of its members by a majority vote of the Executive Committee members present if a quorum of the Executive Committee exists.

Section 4. The Scioto County Democratic Party Central Committee shall then elect themselves to the Executive Committee.

4-A. Membership in the Scioto County Executive Committee consists of the elected and/or appointed committee-person of the Scioto County Democratic Party in the State of Ohio and the elected Democratic officeholders of Scioto County and State and Federal officeholders or representatives if any portion of their electoral district consists of all or part of Scioto County, Ohio, and the President of the Shawnee Labor Council, Trade Union Council and the minority organizations if that person is a member of the Scioto County Democratic Party, and the President of the Federated Democratic Women of Scioto County.

4-B. Until the next election of Central Committee-person following the adoption of these amended bylaws, the Executive Committee members currently representing the Shawnee Labor Council, Trade Union Council and the minority organizations shall continue to serve on the Executive Committee. Thereafter, the membership in the Executive Committee shall be only set forth herein.

Section 5. The Central Committee shall confer upon the Executive Committee all power and authority of the Central Committee, except those which are expressly reserved for the central committee in the Ohio Revised Code, and the Executive Committee shall be authorized to act for the Central Committee in all things pertaining to the welfare, business, operation, and organization of the Central Committee and the Scioto County Democratic Party during the period of its existence, which shall continue until the meeting of the next Central Committee. The Executive Committee shall establish Bylaws to guide and regulate the Scioto County Democratic Party. Any vacancies which may occur in the Executive Committee shall be filled by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.

Section 6. The Executive Committee shall then be called to meet immediately upon its election and shall proceed to elect its Chairperson, who need not be a member of the Central Committee. Upon election, the Chairperson shall become a member of the Executive Committee.

Section 7. The Executive Committee shall then immediately proceed to elect as many Vice-Chairpersons, in order of succession, as it deems necessary, and the Secretary and the Treasurer of said Committee. One-half of the Vice-Chairpersons shall be women and one-half shall be men with the first Vice-Chair having to be of the opposite gender of the Chair in accordance with the rules set forth in the Charter of the Democratic National Committee.

ARTICLE IV: Officers

Section 1. The Chairperson's duties shall be those of chief executive officer and he or she shall be subject to the direction of and responsible to the Central Committee and Executive Committee of the Scioto County Democratic Party. The Chairperson shall appoint all committees and delegate their responsibilities as he or she deems appropriate and necessary.

Section 2. The Vice-Chairperson, in order of succession, shall act as the Chairperson in case of the death, resignation, incapacity, removal, or absence of the Chairperson or his predecessor, and shall, in such event, have the same powers, duties and responsibilities as the Chairperson until such time as the Central Committee, or as provided above, the Executive Committee, shall meet to properly elect a new Chairperson. The Vice-Chairperson shall also serve as Chairperson of the Scioto County Democratic Party Strategic Planning Committee.

Section 3. The Secretary shall be in charge of all the official documents of the Central Committee and Executive Committee and of preparation of the necessary notice, minutes and other documents. The Secretary shall preserve such files and records and open them for examination at appropriate times at the request of any duly elected members of the Central Committee or Executive Committee under such rules and regulations as are prescribed by the Central or Executive Committees, or as required by Ohio law.

Section 4. The Treasurer shall have custody of the funds of the Committee and shall render up to date financial reports to each meeting of the Central and Executive Committees. The Treasurer shall be accountable for all receipts and expenditures subject to the direction of the Central and Executive Committee.

ARTICLE V: Sub-Committees

Section 1. The Strategic Planning Committee shall be tasked with coordinating the activities of the sub-committees so that they can better work together, and will make recommendations to the Central Committee. The Strategic Planning will also conduct reviews of the Central Committee Bylaws every four years and recommend changes as necessary.

1-A. The Strategic Planning Committee will be chaired by the 1st ViceChairperson of the Executive Committee, and membership shall consist of the chairs of all active sub-committees.

Section 2. The Communications Committee is responsible for maintaining the party's website, social media, news releases, newsletter, mailing list, and other forms of communications as directed by the Central Committee.

Section 3. The Fundraising Committee shall have the prime responsibility for soliciting all contributions and promoting all fund-raising activities for the party, including but not limited to letter writing, calling donors, collecting donations at events, planning fundraiser activities, and more. All money collected must be immediately turned over to the party treasurer.

Section 4. The Candidates Committee is responsible for helping the party identify possible Democrat candidates and assisting candidates throughout the process with things such as candidate training and mentorships to help them navigate the campaign process.

Section 5. The Membership Committee shall be responsible for identifying and recruiting candidates for vacant Central Committee seats to maintain a full and active party enrollment.

Section 6. The Events Committee is responsible for planning party events, activities, and guest speakers, as well as volunteering to setup, work, and/or clean up after party events.

Section 7. Each sub-committee must have -a chair to call meetings and assign tasks to members, and a secretary to record the minutes and keep attendance. Secretary will fill in for the chairperson in the absence of the chairperson.

7-A. Sub-Committees must have a quorum of majority attendance to conduct official party business.

7.B. There will be a minimum of three members, including a chair and secretary, and a maximum of seven voting members. Meetings are open to anyone who would like to attend but only up to seven elected members can vote on business.

Section 8. With exception of Strategic Planning, which is staffed according to Article V, Section 1-A of this constitution, all sub-committee members and chairs will automatically expire on January 1 of each year and must be re-appointed by a vote of the Central Committee during its first meeting of the calendar year. Chairs will be nominated and appointed first and then nominations will be heard to appoint regular committee seats.

8-A. Sub-committee members will be automatically removed if they fail to attend three regular sub-committee meetings during a calendar year (Jan-Dec).

Section 9. Any registered Democrat living in Scioto County is eligible to serve on subcommittees, but no person is permitted to serve on more than two sub-committees.

9-A. Only members of the Executive and/or Central Committee are permitted to serve as chair of a sub-committee.

9-B. No person is permitted to chair more than one sub-committee, which will also count as one committee served.

9-C. Sub-Committee chairs and members must be confirmed by a vote of the Executive Committee, and can be removed from their sub-committee at any time by a vote of the Executive Committee.

Section 10. The Central Committee Chairperson and First Vice-Chairperson is prohibited from serving as chair of any sub-committee, except as outlined in Article V, Section 1-A of this constitution.

ARTICLE VI: Executive Committee Meetings

Section 1. The Executive Committee shall meet after its election as required by law and by this Constitution and Bylaws. Meetings shall be held monthly at a designated date and time, unless circumstances prevent.

Section 2. Notice of regular meetings of the Executive Committee, specifying the time and place, shall be sent in writing through regular U.S. mail or by email to all members of the Committee. Notice of any meeting, other than a regular meeting, shall be sent by the Secretary not less than five days prior to said meeting by regular U.S. mail or by email to all members of the Committee.

Section 3. Minutes shall be taken at all the meetings of the Central Committee and Executive Committee.

Section 4. A majority of the membership of the Central Committee shall constitute a quorum for conducting business at any meeting. Thirty percent (30%) of the membership of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for conducting business at any meeting. in the event that the quorum requirement is not met for a Central Committee Meeting, the Chairperson may commence a meeting of the Executive Committee if the quorum requirement is met for the Executive Committee and the Executive Committee may then perform the business of the Scioto County Democratic Party, except as limited or provided herein.

Section 5. Any registered Democrat living in Scioto County is eligible to be appointed as members-at-large to the Executive Committee, by a majority vote of the Committee.

Section 6. Each Committee member shall be entitled to vote individually, and no unit rule, proxy, or slate voting shall be required or permitted.

Section 7. Members missing three meetings in a calendar year (Jan-Dec) may be removed from the Executive Committee for the remainder of their term by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.

Section 8. All meetings of the Scioto County Democratic Party and all other official Party committees, commissions and bodies shall be open to the public, and votes shall not be taken by secret ballot.

Section 9. All Executive Committee terms shall last up to four years. They expire concurrent with the election of a new Central Committee, and members who are not covered under Article Ill, Section 4-A of this constitution must be reappointed by the Executive Committee.

ARTICLE VII: Endorsements and Appointments

Section 1. In an election year, in which the State Democratic Party Executive Committee makes endorsements, the Scioto County Democratic Central Committee shall use all of its resources and leadership to aid and assist in the nomination of such endorsements made by the Committee for the benefit of the party.

Section 2. At any time the Central Committee, or the Executive Committee acting on its behalf, may make appointments or endorsements for any local or district office providing that a majority of the entire membership of the Committee so determines. Any meeting on which endorsement shall be discussed, ample notice shall be given to each member of the Committee.


Section 1. Principles of the Scioto County Central and Executive Committees shall be supported by its members and all Democratic officials in the county.


Section 1. The provisions for a State Convention of the Ohio Democratic Party, Party Structure - National Guidelines and Party Structure - State Guidelines as adopted in Articles X, XI and XIII of the Ohio Democratic Party Constitution and Bylaws adopted on September 18, 1976, are incorporated herein and made a part of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Scioto County Democratic Central Committee.


Section 1. The Central and Executive Committee members shall be four (4) year terms pursuant to the laws of the State of Ohio. Reorganizing shall be done according to Article III Section 1 of this Constitution.


Section 1. All members of the Scioto County Central Committee shall be required to take an oath of office to support the Constitution of the United States of America and the State of Ohio and the Constitution and Bylaws of the Ohio and Scioto County Democratic Central Committee.


Section 1. Any matters regarding the conduct of the affairs of the Scioto County Central Committee and Executive Committee not governed by this Constitution and Bylaws or by rules or laws provided by the Ohio Democratic Party or the State of Ohio shall be governed by the latest edition of the Roberts Rules of Order.


Section 1. This Constitution and Bylaws may be amended by sixty percent (60%) of the members of the Central Committee, present and voting, at any meeting called specifically for that purpose. Amendments proposed under this section must be submitted in writing and copies thereof sent by regular U.S. mail or by email to each member of the said committee at a reasonable time prior to the meeting.


Section 1. This Constitution and Bylaws supersede any and all other previous Constitutions and Bylaws of the Scioto County Democratic Party and shall take effect immediately upon its adoption.







Scioto County Democratic Party Logo
PO Box 492
Portsmouth, Ohio 45662
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